The Trick to Motivate Yourself Is . . . Call Yourself “You” and Not “I”

Do you ever give yourself pep talks in the mirror.  Uh . . . no, me neither.

Well if you ever do that . . . or ever try to motivate yourself in other situations, like when you’re running or before you go on a date . . . here’s a trick.

Your self-pep talks will work better if you say “you” and not “I.”  So instead of saying, “I can do this” . . . say, “You can do this.”

A study at Bangor University in Wales found that when people gave themselves motivational comments using second person, it improved their performance.

A sports psychologist says this probably works because, quote, “The thought, ‘I can do it’ is more apt to produce the opposite thought, ‘I can’t do it,’ and that increased sense of potential failure can . . . lower performance.”

(Runner’s World)