Our Favorite Types of Air to Breathe Include Mountain Air, Beach Air . . . and Campfire Smoke?

Number seven on this list is fun, because blowing cigar smoke in your face would actually be healthier . . .

A new poll looked at our favorite types of AIR to breathe.  For example, “mountain air” ranked #1.  But we also like certain smells enough to not care if the air’s healthy or not.

Here are the ten “best kinds of air in the world,” according to the survey . . .

1.  Mountain air.

2.  Air at the beach.

3.  In the woods.

4.  The air you breathe while you’re on a hike.

5.  The air at home.  So the smell of our own place is something we enjoy.

6.  Amusement park air.  Think corn dogs and funnel cakes.

7.  Campfire smoke.  According to the EPA, it’s even worse for you than cigarettes.

8.  Library air.  (???)

9.  The recirculated air on planes.

10.  The smell of a concert.  (Yeah, especially right by the porta-potties.)