Bad Things That Are Good For You

According to

BEER — Research has suggested that moderate beer intake can actually improve cardiovascular function.

ANGER — Studies show that bursts of anger here and there are good for the health, and can be an even more effective coping mechanism than becoming afraid, irritated or disgusted. Anger is best in moderation: stay angry for long periods of time and you’ll be plagued with a host of health issues, like blood pressure, sleep disorders and lung damage.

COFFEE — Studies claim coffee is a major source of antioxidants in our diet and can help lower your risk of diabetes. Something in the beans is also thought to ease the onset of cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatitis, good news for those who like to party hard all night before their morning caffeine boost.

SUNLIGHT — Sunlight, ­even if indirect, such as on a porch, is known to boost the mood. Extra sunlight can help office workers avoid afternoon drowsiness. There’s still no excuse to head outside and bake, however.

MAGGOTS — These squirmy larvae were approved in 2003 as the Food & Drug Administration’s only live medical device. Placed on serious wounds, maggots mimic their “wild” lifestyle and munch on bacteria and dead tissue, stimulating healing and helping to prevent infection.

RED WINE — A crucial ingredient in the diets of the world’s heart-healthiest populations­ — like those Bordeaux-guzzling French­ — red wine has long been known to have potent anti-cancer and artery-protecting benefits.

CHOCOLATE — Study after study lately has touted the magical benefits of the indulgent treat, which is packed with the antioxidant flavonols that prevent certain cancers and keep your arteries from clogging.

SEX — Sex is an easy way to reduce stress, lower cholesterol and improve circulation throughout the body. As if you needed another excuse.