An Idiot Criminal Comically Struggles to Steal a Gumball Machine . . . and Doesn’t Even Notice the Box of Cash Next to It
This guy didn’t exactly pull off the heist of the century.
A guy crawled through the dog door at an animal shelter in Sacramento, California on Friday. His goal was to steal the big GUMBALL MACHINE they have in the lobby. Aim high, kids.
But from the second he gets inside, the surveillance video plays like a “Home Alone” movie. He can’t get the gumball machine back through the dog door and spills all the gumballs. Then he slips on them.
Then he takes the machine out the back door, tries to throw it over a barbed wire fence, but he struggles with that too.
And the best part? Thanks to his obsession with the gumball machine, he never noticed the donation box FULL OF CASH that was sitting right next to it.
The cops got a good look at his face from the surveillance video, so now they’re trying to track him down.
(Unfortunately the video above doesn’t include the part where he slips on the gumballs.)