In an intriguing exploration for, the connection between our favorite movie genres and our personalities is dissected through the lens of scientific research.

… Horror Fans: Outgoing and Empathetic: Horror enthusiasts are likely to be extroverted, seeking action and excitement. They exhibit heightened alertness and resilience, challenging the stereotype of lacking empathy. Horror films provide a simulation of fear, helping fans practice coping mechanisms and potentially enhancing resilience, particularly noted during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

… Rom-Com Enthusiasts: Believers in True Love: Fans of romantic comedies tend to hold strong beliefs in true love and are often happier in their relationships. Studies suggest that watching rom-coms together can bolster relationship satisfaction and even reduce divorce rates, offering an accessible alternative to couples’ therapy.

… Sci-Fi and Fantasy Fans: Creative and Open to Experience: While a controversial study labeled these fans as narcissistic, other perspectives argue that science fiction and fantasy often address real-world issues, fostering creativity and open-mindedness. Fans of these genres are likely to be imaginative and enthusiastic about exploring new ideas.

… Comedy Lovers: Energetic and Creative: Individuals who prefer comedies exhibit hyperthymic traits, characterized by high energy and enthusiasm. They are also more open to new experiences and possess a creative bent, benefiting from the stress-reducing effects of laughter and humor.