Dolly Parton Serenaded a Fan with Stage Four Cancer
January 3, 2024 8:17AM PST
Source: YouTube
Dolly Parton is a national treasure. Some would say she’s TWO national treasures. But even if she was rocking an A-CUP, she’d still be one of the best people on Earth.
Case in point: A Utah man named LeGrand Gold was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer in 2021. Just before the holidays, he was given six months to live.
So he put together a bucket list, and meeting Dolly was on it. While she couldn’t be there in person, she did call him.
And she even serenaded him with a few lines from “I Will Always Love You” . . . and she tossed his nickname, “LG” into it.
LeGrand says, quote, “She sang a song, put my name in the song. I feel like I’m immortal now. That was really cool. It made me feel good.”