This Week in Science: Volcanoes, Astronauts, and a Woman Who Can Smell Parkinson’s Disease

It’s time for “Nerd News,” covering the most important news for your brain.  Here’s a quick rundown of this week in science . . .

1.  People in the Seattle area thought they saw steam venting from Mount Rainier, which is still an active volcano but hasn’t had a big eruption in 500 years.  Experts confirmed it wasn’t steam though . . . it was just a cloud.

2.  A team in London discovered the oldest known mammal . . . an eight-inch-long ratty thing that kind of looked like a shrew.  It was around 225 million years ago, right around when the first dinosaurs showed up.

3.  In space news:  We found a planet only 100 light years away that could potentially sustain life.  That’s still 590 TRILLION miles though.  And a new study found even short amounts of time in space are devastating to our bodies.  Every blood sample from astronauts shows genetic mutations from radiation.

4.  In health news:  A woman from Scotland who can smell Parkinson’s disease is working with scientists to develop a swab test that could help diagnose it.