The Top Rules We Had as Kids Included Curfews, Studying, and Chores

What’s the #1 rule your parents had for you as a kid?  And did they actually enforce it?

Two in five Americans think their parents were stricter than most when they were a kid.  Less than one in five said less strict.

Most people think parents TODAY are less strict though.  75% agree with that, and over a third think parents should be MUCH stricter than they are.

According to the poll, here are the top rules WE had to follow as kids . . .

1.  You had to do your chores.  75% of us did.

2.  You had a curfew, 75%.

3.  You had to go to bed by a certain time, 72%.

4.  You had to study and get good grades, 71%.

5.  No alcohol.  69% say their parents set rules, or talked to them about it.

6.  No smoking, 68%.  28% even had rules about caffeine.

7.  You had to eat everything on your plate, 65%.

8.  Rules about driving, 59%.  Like you weren’t allowed to drive at night, or with too many friends in the car.

9.  Rules about going to parties, 55%.

10.  Rules about the clothes you wore, 55%.

Here are a few more that were a little less common:  Half of us had rules about dating . . . 46% had to get a job . . . 42% were expected to participate in sports or extracurriculars . . . and 31% had rules about video games.
