Do you LOVE the locally-sourced food where you live . . . or is your best option for fresh food the Walmart down the road?

A new study ranked the “best cities to eat local food,” and it considered factors like community-supported agriculture . . . farm stands and markets . . . bakeries, butcher shops, and seafood markets . . . plus craft breweries and wineries.

And as it turns out, you haven’t lived until you’ve experienced the local food in . . . Portland, Oregon.  Portland is #1, partially because it topped the charts on the number of “U-Pick” farms.

Baltimore is #2, followed by Alexandria, Virginia . . . Washington, D.C. . . .  Minneapolis . . . Seattle . . . Boston . . . Madison, Wisconsin . . . Providence, Rhode Island . . . and Vancouver, Washington.

They considered 200 of the largest cities in the U.S., and the WORST for local food was Anchorage, Alaska.  But eight of the bottom 11 were all in Texas.

(Hit up for the complete ranking.  Again, this is locally-sourced and made food in the area . . . NOT regional cuisines.)