People Online Are Arguing About . . . Bread?

 There are probably more important things happening in the world, but if you’re someone who’s passionate about BREAD . . . Buzzfeed just conducted a major poll on it, and tens of thousands of people weighed in.

And yes, this is bread the FOOD . . . not “bread” the slang for money.

1.  What kind of bread is the best?  Sourdough is #1 with 38%, getting more than 30,000 votes.  White bread is second at 33%.  Wheat bread (16%) is next, followed by Cinnamon Raisin (6%) . . . Rye (5%) . . . and Pumpernickel (2%).

2.  When you’re at a restaurant, do you fill up on bread?  60% said YES, while 40% said NO . . . they mostly hold off to save room for the actual meal.

3.  Are you into toast?  A whopping 93% said yes, while just 7% said no.

4.  Are you into putting butter on your bread?  87% said yes, 13% said no.

5.  Do you like bread crust?  74% said yes.  26% said no.  (If you polled ONLY five-year-olds, it would probably be more like . . . 0% yes, 100% no.)

One good question the poll DIDN’T ask:  Even if you don’t have a gluten sensitivity, can you deal with gluten-free breads . . . yes or no?  (Buzzfeed)