Over 70% of People Look Forward to Canceled Weekend Plans . . . So They Can Stay In?

You know that feeling when a friend cancels weekend plans . . . leaving you with nothing to do . . . and you’re EXCITED about it?  That’s not weird.  It’s more common than you think.

In a new study, 71% of people said they actually look forward to plans being canceled so they can just stay in.  And 75% of people say there’s nothing better than having no plans for the weekend.

To be clear, this poll was conducted earlier this month, so even AFTER the quarantines and lockdowns we’re STILL cool with spending a weekend IN.

Staying home doesn’t just mean being by yourself.  70% of people agreed that nights in WITH friends are “much-needed therapy sessions.”  And a casual night with friends should include things like wine . . . sports . . . and pizza.

People were also given a list of activities and asked what things would be a part of their perfect weekend.  “Going for a walk” got the most votes, followed by “reading a book from start to finish” . . . sleeping in  . . . binge-watching TV . . . playing a board game . . . watching movies . . . playing video games . . . and cleaning.