Good News: Wedding Speeches, Firefighters, and a Blind Race Car Driver

Here are a few more good news stories making the rounds . . .

1.  A race car driver who was blinded in an accident 10 years ago just broke the world record for fastest speed in a car driven blindfolded . . . over 211 miles an hour.  Obviously the blindfold part didn’t really matter for him.

2.  An elementary school teacher in Maryland says she was having a rough week.  So her husband bought her a lottery ticket to cheer her up . . . and she won $50,000.  Now they’re buying a house.

3.  A three-year-old in Canada told his parents he wanted to be a firefighter.  So they helped him draft up a résumé that listed all his relevant experience . . . and his local fire department made him a “junior member” of their crew.

He got to tour the station and ride around on a fire truck.  They said his “relevant experience” included knowing a lot about fire engines . . . having a basic understanding of hydraulics . . . and successfully completing a firefighting coloring book.

4.  Here’s a great wedding speech, and the guy barely talked:  A bride’s friend stood up at her wedding and said he wanted to let HER do the talking.  Then he pulled out his phone and played a voicemail she left him after her FIRST DATE with the groom.

She said he was gorgeous . . . seemed too good to be true . . . and that she’d never connected with anyone like that before.  (Warning:  The video includes F-bombs!)