Good News: Paperboys, Kidney Swaps, and the Oldest Woman in America

Here are a few more Good News stories making the rounds . . .

1.  The oldest person in America turns 116 next week, and we’re all invited to her birthday party.  Her name is Edie Ceccarelli.  Her hometown of Willits, California is doing a parade past her house, and anyone can be in it.  She’s the second-oldest person in the world.  A lady in Spain is set to turn 117 on March 4th.

2.  A newspaper delivery guy in St. Petersburg, Florida saved a 75-year-old woman’s life this month.  He was dropping off her copy of the “Tampa Bay Times” at 3:00 A.M. when he saw her front deck on FIRE and woke her up.  Then he grabbed a hose, put the fire out, and everyone’s okay.

3.  A woman in Arizona named Joely Sanders recently tried to donate a kidney to her brother Frank.  Unfortunately, she wasn’t a match.  But it made her realize what a big impact one of her healthy kidneys could make on someone’s life.  So she decided to donate it to whoever WAS a match.

That person ended up being a guy in Chicago named Tony Gonzalez.  And it turned out Tony’s wife Tracey was a match for FRANK.  So she decided to donate too, and both men got the new kidneys they needed.  The families just got to meet for the first time on a very emotional video chat.