Good News: Burger Flippers, Weddings, and Unlikely Best Friends

Here are a few more Good News stories making the rounds . . .

1.  A Burger King employee in Nevada named Kevin Ford is in the news again after a GoFundMe helped buy him his first house.

video of him went viral in 2022 when he got a bunch of lame swag after not missing a single day of work in 27 years.  Since then, the GoFundMe has raised almost $450,000 to help him retire.

He just posted an update and revealed he bought a small home in Pahrump, Nevada for $177,000.  He said, “I know it’s not a mansion, but it’s MINE,” and he thanked everyone who helped make it happen.  (Here’s the video.)

2.  People are calling this a real-life version of “The Parent Trap”.  A woman on TikTok posted a video of her parents kissing, and announced they just got remarried 10 years after they separated and got divorced.  (Here’s the video.)

3.  Layla Peck is seven years old and lives near Scranton, Pennsylvania, and her best friend just turned 100.  (???)  He’s a World War Two vet named Joe Gagliardi.  She says they’ve been besties since she was a baby.

She got her local fire department to drop her off at his party in a firetruck.  He received an American flag flown in his honor over the U.S. Capitol in D.C.  And Layla also had her first-grade class make him 100 birthday cards.