Are You an Introvert or Extrovert? You’re Twice as Likely to Say This One

Would you say you’re an introvert or an extrovert?

According to a recent survey, you’re twice as likely to say one of those . . . and it’s INTROVERT.  That means you prefer being alone, or hanging out with a few people instead of big groups.

A thousand Americans were polled.  56% said they’re an introvert, and only 28% said extrovert.  The other 15% or so said they had no idea what they are.

They broke the stats down even further than that too:  Only 13% said they’re a “complete introvert” . . . and 43% said “mostly” introverted.

23% said “mostly” an extrovert, and just 5% said total extrovert.

This other question they asked is interesting too:  Do you think it’s possible for an introvert to BECOME an extrovert if they really try?

43% said they didn’t know enough about it to answer.  But of the people who did, most said YES.  33% said you can learn to be an extrovert.  25% said you can’t.
