71% of Us Have Made a Major Life Change for Our Pet

We’ll do anything for our kids.  Sorry . . . did I say kids?  I meant PETS.

71% of pet owners say they’ve made a significant life change for their pet before.

The most common change we make is a tie between moving into a bigger place, and become more active.  For example, walking or jogging more after you got a dog.

44% would do those things for their pets, or already have.  Here are a few more life changes we’d be willing to make . . .

1.  Changing your work schedule, so they’re not home alone all day?  39% would do it.

2.  Starting or ENDING a relationship, 35%.

3.  Buying a new car with more room, 32%.

4.  Choosing whether or not to have KIDS, 32%.  That probably includes waiting to have kids, not just skipping it altogether.

5.  Moving to a new area that’s better for pets, also 32%.

6.  Changing jobs, 31%.  Seven in ten people also said they’d be willing to take a pay cut if they could bring their pet to work with them.  (SWNS)