The Top Ten Things We Do to ‘Feel’ Like We’re Being Healthy
Do you ever have fast food three days in a row, then do something super-healthy to compensate? Either because you feel like crap, or you just feel guilty?
According to a new survey, here are the ten most common things we do to make ourselves FEEL healthy . . .
1. Eat some extra fruits and vegetables.
2. Try to eat less sugar.
3. BUY more fruits and vegetables . . . but not necessarily eat them.
4. Take the stairs instead of an elevator.
5. Carry around a reusable water bottle, so you’ll drink more water.
6. Start planning out your meals beforehand.
7. Have a smoothie.
8. Drink tea.
9. Turn off your phone before bed, so you’ll sleep better.
10. Have a bowl of frozen fruit instead of ice cream. (26% of us have done that?)
The survey also found the average person doesn’t really start taking their health seriously until age 41. And there’s usually a reason, like a health scare.
(NY Post)