The Ten Happiest and Unhappiest States in America
Happiness is a state of mind, sure. But does the actual state you live in also make a difference? A new study ranked the happiest and least happy states in America by looking at three categories . . .
“Health” . . . including things like depression rates and how much sleep people get.
“Lifestyle” choices . . . so, things like work-life balance and how many vacation days people take.
And “prosperity” . . . things like household income and unemployment.
According to the results, people in the MIDWEST have the best chance at happiness. Six of the 10 happiest states are in the Midwest, and eight are west of the Mississippi River.
The happiest states are Minnesota . . . South Dakota . . . Colorado . . . Utah . . . North Dakota . . . Wisconsin . . . Nebraska . . .Iowa . . . New Hampshire . . . and Montana.
The ten UNHAPPIEST states, according to the study, are Louisiana . . . Rhode Island . . . West Virginia . . . Alabama . . . Mississippi . . . Kentucky . . . Arkansas . . . Tennessee . . . Nevada . . . and Georgia.
Washington just missed the top 10 and came in at #15
(See where all 50 states ranked here.)