How Has COVID Affected Your Hobbies and Interests in the Past Year?

Have your hobbies and interests changed during the pandemic?  An annual survey looks at America’s general interest in different topics.  Here are five things we’re less likely to talk about now than we were a year ago . . .

1.  Weddings and brides.  General interest is down 18%.

2.  Parenting, down 17%.  Probably because we’re just TIRED of talking about it.

3.  Sex and relationships, a 12% dip.

4.  Beauty or fashion, down 12%.

5.  Celebrity news, also down 12%.

A few topics we’re MORE interested in now include investing . . . national and international news . . . science . . . politics . . . and other money-related stuff.

The study also looked at how COVID has affected our hobbies.

We’re less likely to be interested in photography, dancing, singing, and organized sports than we were a year ago.  Meanwhile, video games saw a 12% JUMP in popularity.  Bird watching is up 6%.  And hiking is up 2%.
