Good News: Lottery Tickets, Fortune Cookies, and First Responders
Here are a few more Good News stories making the rounds . . .
1. It’s amazing how things can turn on a dime. A woman in South Carolina lost her job, then bought a lottery ticket a few days later and won $300,000. So in the span of a few days, she went from not having a job to shopping for houses.
2. Meanwhile, a guy in North Carolina opened a fortune cookie that said, “Don’t miss out on your chance to win big.” So he bought a lottery ticket and won $200,000.
3. First responders in Kansas saved a 14-month-old toddler who fell down a pipe last week. It was a foot wide and 12 feet deep, but he wasn’t seriously hurt.
He wouldn’t grab a rope they tossed down to him. So they had to use a “catch pole” that’s normally used for catching dogs. They worked fast and got him out in about 20 minutes, and someone’s chest-cam got it on video.