Good News: Birthdays, Spring Breakers, and the Most Popular Guy on the Block
Here are a few more good news stories making the rounds . . .
1. A kid in Nebraska turned one yesterday. Meanwhile, her mom turned 32, and her grandmother turned 67. Yes, all three were born on St. Patrick’s Day. The odds of it happening to three generations in a row are about 100,000 to one.
2. Everyone at an old folks’ home in Minnesota got to go on spring break this month. Or technically, they didn’t go anywhere. The place threw a huge spring break party with lots of games, including DRINKING games. One lady was amped, because she’d never played beer pong before. They also had flip cup . . . and Jell-O shots WITH alcohol.
3. A guy in Oregon forgot about a lottery ticket he got on Christmas Eve . . . finally checked the numbers . . . and realized he won $8.9 MILLION.
4. And finally: A video of a guy in Louisiana who’s in his 90s is making the rounds. You may have also seen a segment CBS News did on him last year. He has dementia, and his memory resets every 15 minutes. But he’s the most popular guy on his block.
His house is across from a daycare, and he loves kids. So each day, he gets to meet all of them again, like it’s the very first time. And it’s been happening like this for years.
The kids love him and know he’s got memory issues, so they’re very patient. His daughter says he was lonely and suffering for a long time. But then the kids came into his life. So now he’s happy, even if he doesn’t always know why.