While all dogs are good dogs, some are better behaved than others. Forbes Advisor decided to find the best and worst-behaved dog breeds to help educate prospective owners on their furry friends. To do so, they surveyed 5,000 dog owners made up of 200 owners for each of the 25 most popular dog breeds, according to the American Kennel Club.

… The survey ranked dog behavior in two categories: following commands and temperament. Under the “following commands” category, they asked dog owners if and how often their dog barks at others, jumps up on people, begs for food, and how well they follow commands when off-leash in public. Under the “temperament” category, they asked dog owners to rate their dog’s overall behavior, if/how often their dog tries to escape, if their dog’s health has ever been threatened due to its own behavior, and if they whine, destroy things or ingest foreign objects

… Best-Behaved Dog Breeds:

1. Labrador Retriever
2. Rottweiler
3. Shih Tzu
4. Cane Corso
5. Golden Retriever
6. German Shepherd
7. Boston Terrier
8. Poodle
9. Yorkshire Terrier
10. American Bulldogs

… Least-Behaved Dog Breeds

1. Siberian Husky
2. Beagle
3. Havanese
4. French Bulldog
5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel