22% of Us Have Thrown Our Phone Across the Room, Plus Six More Stats on Cell Phone Habits
Your phone might be the most expensive thing you carry around. But according to a recent survey, 22% of us have gotten angry and HURLED our phone across the room before. Here are six more stats about our cell phone habits . . .
1. Have you ever cracked the screen on your phone? 62% of us have. 38% said their screen has always remained intact.
2. Do you ever use your phone on the toilet? 94% said yes, including 79% who said they ALWAYS do. Only 6% said they’ve never used their phone in the bathroom.
3. Have you ever dropped it IN the toilet, and had to fish it out? 23% of us have. Wow, that’s gross.
4. Do you sleep with your phone in the bedroom? 92% of us do, including 9% who put it under their pillow. Only 8% said they don’t keep their phone in the room with them.
5. How many chargers do you have? 30% said just one . . . 37% said two . . . 20% said three . . . and 13% said four or more.
6. How many apps do you have on your phone . . . is it more than 30? 64% said no, they have less than 30. 36% said yes, they have more than 30 apps. That includes 8% who said they have WAY more than 30.