A lot of movie characters have “real” names that are either buried somewhere in the film, or never even mentioned . . . but they’re still legit.  So a website put out a list of “Movie Characters Whose Real Names You’d Totally Forgotten’.  Here are the highlights:

1.  The Wizard in “The Wizard of Oz” . . . Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs.  (That’s according to the book.)

2.  Shaggy in “Scooby Doo” . . . Norville Rogers.  Scooby’s real name is Scoobert.

3.  Woody from “Toy Story” . . . Woody Pride.

4.  Red in “Shawshank Redemption” . . . Ellis Boyd Redding.

5.  Dutch in “Predator” . . . Alan Schaefer.

6.  Verbal Kint in “The Usual Suspects” . . . Roger Kint.

7.  Agent K and Agent J in “Men in Black” . . . ‘K’ is Kevin Brown and ‘J’ is James Darrell Edwards the Third.

8.  Thanos in “Avengers: Infinity War” . . . Dione, which means ‘Goddess.’

9.  The Emperor from the “Star Wars” movies . . . Sheev Palpatine.

10.  Mr. Miyagi from “The Karate Kid” . . . He has a variety of names, including Shigeyoshi, Nariyoshi, and Keisuke.

(Digital Spy)